Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Jamaaliday Gifts Are Over

Hey Jammers. The Jamaaliday gifts are over now, and we are back at the usual daily gem bonus.

I hope everyone had a good Jamaalidays while it lasted :)

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Glitch in the Jamiliday Jam

So here's a glitch in the Jamiliday Jam that was also here last year. Sometimes it happens, sometimes it doesn't. It happens when you go down the first slide with a orange cookie on top. You then completely disappear, and the screen takes you up to the second floor. You then see your self running across the wall, into the sky, then finally back to the ground, and stop at the bottom of the slide. It's weird but i can't tell if it's fun or annoying yet lol. i just thought i would say

1000 Gems

Heres today's daily gift, 1000 gems. They probably do gems when they have nothing ready to put up yet XD but ifs that's true its OK :3 This special offer only lasts today so get yours now!

Monday, December 24, 2012

History About Elf Tail Armor

Feeling random, and I have no real views so that's ok! ;D

Elf Tail Amor came out as a monthly member gift in March, but before that, it was a mysterious item. A strange item, and it was owned by someone named "Sizzlerat" (today if you try to search her it says "That Jammer could not be found!"). Anyways, she was the only one who had it. (It also looked a little different back then from how it looks now.) It was declared a "tail glove".
I saw Sizzlerat a few times in jamaa township. I think I or at least someone around me asked what it was. She only said "something really awesome!", then left, so I thought she was quite rude.
She then disappeared, leaving the rest of us puzzled. (I personally was a big fan of hers for some reason, and tried to dress up like her! lol)
It eventually came out as the monthly gift in all kinds of colors and such. Turns out, she was a animal jam test account for some of the new-colored items and new things we have in jamaa today.  That's pretty much it :P for more info and pictures of this mysterious jammer, just search :P there's sightings and lots of other cool things on other blogs.          -slyredfox

Really Random Shoutout to Skyhigh

You all know about that game called sky high. It takes a long time and it usually gives you junk, and don't even get me started on when you fall... /).o Apart from all that stuff, give it a chance. you might get something really cool. I played and it gave me "Scary Bat Wings", or better known as "NM Wings". It takes patience, but give it some time :D                    -slyredfox

Monday Rare 12-24-12

This is today's Monday rare, sold in the Cocoa Hut in Mt. Shiveer :D Only sold today for 900 gems. (Monday rares are getting pricey!)           -slyredfox

Bows and Arrows

So i guess this will be my first post. It's today's Daily Gift: Bows and arrow, except in different colors! Here is one example of the many new colors you can get. they are much more exotic than before, if you ask me. They're really cool, and there are much more awesome colors so keep a eye out!              -slyredfox